Friday, 4 April 2014

Day 90 (i think), Varanasi

As days go by in varanasi I capture more and more photos, but with the heat and humidity it makes it difficult to continue past noon. IV found myself waking up around 6am, and by the mid afternoon enjoying cafes in different parts of the city. I have also discovered that the visa that we purchased for India, which they told us lasts 1 month, is actually a 6 month Visa. I could stay here much longer, but my blood is flowing more eagerly. With the Nepal hiking season starting up from April-June 9th I can't stay in India, The himalayas are on my mind. Withing the week we'll be In Nepal, and in visual distance of the rooftop of the world. Iv buried my nose in a book "into thin air" (author of into the wild), which tells the first hand story of the everest disaster. The first half of the book is ascending to base camp, the hike we'll be doing when we enter Nepal. At 17,600 feet, with the oxygen levels half of what they are at sea level. IV been waiting for a new challenge.

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