Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Qui Nhon. day 9

After both Lucas and I got sick from some street food on the ride from Nha Trang to Qui Nhon and after a couple days of solid rest we've recovered. we spent our last day riding around the city with some great people we met at our hostle. getting lost, seeing the Cham towers,  and eating some exotic fruits. With the daily hiccups of a flat motorbike tire in the rain, and Lucas losing his motorbike keys didn't slow us down. Lucas found the keys and I got a new tire. Found an abandoned beach as the sun set and got to say our proper goodbyes We leave to Pleiku tomorrow. A ride through the mountains. We spent the last night getting invited for drinks from some locals and having an amazing time. They invited us for dinner with their family, which we had to respectfully decline. One man told us "it doesn't matter where you come from, we are all the same". I won't forget it.


  1. Glad you had a beautiful place to drink lots of bottled water and rest at. Enjoy your mountain drive. Watch your speed going down!

  2. "it doesn't matter where you come from, we are all the same" Awesome Buddy! BTW, Best picture yet!
